A six week course supporting people to step away from restrictive beliefs and behaviours, and confidently embrace their perfectly imperfect selves.
What we do:
Pause to examine restrictive beliefs and unhelpful behaviours that no longer serve you well
Explore ways to step out of autopilot and attune to your own needs, rather than being governed by shoulds & oughts
Develop a more playful attitude towards food, your wellbeing and a compassionate relationship with yourself
Emerge ready to embrace your perfectly imperfect self
What the course will cover:
Until our next workshop, here are some free resources to help you now:
It is never as simple as “just eat a balanced diet”. Rules can get in the way of needs. No balanced diet is the same for anyone, because no one body is the same. We help clients find their own, unique, balanced way of eating.
We work with people to develop a ‘tool kit’ - a range of tried & tested responses that enable them to manage difficult feelings, so that tuning in no longer feels so daunting.
Desserts are important and we don’t think anyone should restrict themselves or their needs based on restrictive and unhelpful diet culture beliefs.